Monday, April 16, 2007

Here are some photos from my class

wood burning bread oven.

Suli Making paper

Wati rolling out moisture from our paper

Stencilling with banana leaves


Nat said...

danica!!! se nota la influencia.. banana leaves!! that was brilliant I know that even if there were no leaves you would come up with something.. te mande algo la semana pasada so hopefully te llega... just random things.. hope you are doing fine love you~

Unknown said...

Hey Dani, I have never left a comment before. You seemed a little down in your lst blog but I know you will bounce up. The students in the photos really seem to be immersed in what they are doing. I really didn't see the fruits of my efforts for about 3-5 years. You have organized the class and the kids so that is a start. Everything else will fall into place. These kids will never forget you. I love you,
