On a different, more important note: I'm starting to get adjusted to my new host family, although sometimes I feel like I'm more of an income-generating project as opposed to "a part of the family". Being in Fiji and living with an Indo-Fijian family is a strange but unique experience. According to my host mom Fijians are to blame for everything. There is so much resentment there, i guess i can understand why, Indo-Fijians make up 45% of the population in Fiji and still, they are not allowed to own land. Even if at one point they owned land, like in Shobna's (my host mom) case- they owned the house and sugarcane plantation around their house for 55 years, but after the coup they had to hand over the land to the fijians and start a lease, in which they pay a monthly stipend to their Fijian landlord. They have a lease for 45 more years. Many Indo-Fijians are emigrating and moving to Australia and New Zealand in search of better lives. Scholarships are also not given to Indo Fijian students and are only available for Fijian students. I went off on a tangent there- anyway.. yes, Shobna always warns me to stay away from the Fijians, and then we have the Fijians who blame the Indo-Fijians for everything. It's a lose-lose situation. I don't take sides, nor would I ever want to. People are people and so far I've met some pretty wonderful individuals here in fiji, despite their race or creed.
We had water safety day yesterday. It was the first time i was in the ocean in Fiji. The water was like bath water. 80 degrees, under the blaring sun... it was so great to be out at sea. We took a boat out into the ocean and swam around for a bit too. The tricky part is trying to get back on the boat when you're way out in the ocean. The water definatley helped my spirits, it was as if i was literally washing away my anxieties and frustrations. I slept like a baby last night. No music to fall asleep to, but had some beers with a couple of volunteers who live nearby, that definately contributed to a great night's sleep.
Today i made brakfast for my host family. Tuna sandwiches and coffee... not much else in the pantry. Shobna, the girls and I went to cut some sugarcane with a machete... Shobna's pretty tough, she was out there whacking away. We sat under the mango tree in front of their house and ate some sugarcane and mangos... yummmm... Tomorrow I'm going fishing with another volunteer and her host family, I'm really looking forward to another day out by the sea.
note: It's really hard to upload photos on these computers. I've been on this computer for two hours now and I was only able to upload the one photo. Still on the lookout for a faster connection.
oye acabo de check into your blog spot pero let me tell you que tus experiencias ahorita sound a hell of a lot better than mine... peru or at least callao donde estoy es horrible... pero cada quien con su experiencia no... si pudieramos I sure we be up for weeks charlando de cada cosa que ha pasado since we last saw each other... pero anyway solo quero decirte que I love you y que aunque no tengas musica pa escuchar youe always had music within you... como vos siempre me has dicho just follow your own music... pero te dejo por ahora que I have to be in hideout por lo inseguro que es aqui I might get shot or mugged or assaulted... ahhhhh love you y hang in there... mutualmente en opposite ends of the world podemos sufrirªªª reir juntas...
Hola!!!! Mi bolita preferida!!!!!
Loca, se que es dificil, pero manten la calma. Mucho de lo que has llevado se rompera, se perdera, te lo robaran y lo regalaras y esta bien...es parte del apredizaje de desprenderse de las cosas... y ayuda a que te conectes contigo y los seres que te rodean.
Buenisimo que todo sea lento, no hay necesidad alguna de correr en esta vida...llegar, siempre hemos de llegar! ... asi que, presta atencion a lo que hay a tu alrededor, porque me juego que hay muchisimo mas de lo que tus sentidos pueden todavia percibir..
y el curry? miralo de esta manera: vas a estar en super linea en cuanto menos lo esperes! y disfrutalo, porque te va a durar solo el tiempo que estes alla!
Y cuadno extrañes este lado, piensa en esto... trabajar de 9-5pm, por un salario miserable, con un jefe que te pide y pide, y luego un medio de transporte sucio y lleno de genete que no te sonrie y encima te pisan y te empujan! Piensa en lo cara que era la renta, en lo que costaba llegar a fin de mes si es que te habias comprado zapatos, piensa en los bares ruidosos atestados de gente a la que no les importas porque creen que no pueden aprender nada de vos, piensa que los amigos estan siemrpe contigo, al igual que la flia., porque los tienes inscrustados en el corazon y ahora que estas tan lejos estan Toooodos pensando en vos!!! dandote energia pra que sigas en este tren! porque cuadno tengas 40 pirulos, te has de reir pensando que dos años no es nada!!!
pero que bien que te van a venir!
Vivan las vacaciones que te has tomado de esta vida civilizada que lo unico que hace es demandar y demandar todo aquello que no es importante!
Te quiero mucho, Dani!!
Y fuerza, che, que esta hinchada quilombera no te deja de alentar!!!
Vamos Nena!
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